
Palliative care

There are a lot of misconceptions about palliative care. Follow the links to the resources below to find out exactly how it works, and how it could help you if your cancer is advanced.

Palliative care
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2021)
This page clearly explains exactly what palliative care can provide, what it involves and how it can be provided. Buttons at the bottom of the page link to the booklet, ‘Understanding palliative care’ listed below.

Understanding palliative care
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2021)
This booklet explains palliative care for people with advanced cancer. Includes a sections for carers and where to go for further information and support.
  (56-page booklet in PDF or hard copy)

Palliative Care Victoria
Palliative Care Victoria supports Victorians with a life limiting illness and their families to live, die and grieve well.

Managing symptoms of metastatic cancer
Adrian Dabscheck; Counterpart (VIC, 2020)
discusses common symptoms, importance of communication and relationships, palliative care services, and importance of family and friends in managing symptoms of metastatic cancer.

Palliative Care Australia
Australia’s peak body for palliative care.  They aim to improve access to, and promote the need for, palliative care.

Last Updated: 12 July, 2022 12:47 pm