

Understanding surgery
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This 64-page booklet answers a lot of basic questions about surgery for cancer. Includes decision making, types of surgery, planning and preparation, processes on the day, recovery and a handy list of questions to ask your team.
  (booklet available as PDF or in hard copy.)

Understanding cancer of the uterus: a guide for people with cancer, their families and friends
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This booklet provides a clear explanation of how uterine cancer develops, is diagnosed and treated in Australia. Information on surgery begins on page 23.
  (68-page booklet available to download, and in hard copy)

Endometrial cancer
Royal Women's Hospital (AUS)
This web page explains endometrial cancer, its causes, diagnosis and treatments. Links to downloadable fact sheets and further information.

Surgery for uterine sarcoma
American Cancer Society (US, 2022)
This page describes the types of surgery that might be used to treat uterine sarcoma, and other procedures that might be done at the same time. As this is a US-based website treatments and support services are not available to Australians.

Surgery for endometrial cancer
American Cancer Society (US, 2019)
This page describes the types of surgery that might be used to treat endometrial cancer, and other procedures that might be done at the same time for treatment and to look for spread of the cancer. As this is a US-based website treatments and support services are not available to Australians.

Cancer Survivor Guide (AUS, 2018)
Episode 2 of this podcast discusses how surgeons decide when to operate, how techniques have changed and improved over time, and what to expect when you meet your surgeon.

Womb cancer
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2021)
This section of the website links to information on womb cancer, often described as uterine or endometrial cancer. It outlines diagnosis and treatment. Please remember that as this is a UK-based website treatments and support services discussed here may not be available to Australians.

Uterine cancer – patient version
NIH National Cancer Institute (US)
This section of the website explains uterine cancer and its treatment. Includes a short video explaining endometrial cancer. Please remember that as this is a US-based website, statistics are American, and treatments and support services discussed here may not be available to Australians.


Last Updated: 9 July, 2024 2:21 pm