
About uterine (including endometrial) cancer

There are two broad types of cancer of the uterus:

  • Endometrial cancer affects the lining of the uterus (endometrium).
  • Uterine sarcomas develop in the muscle of the uterus or the connective tissue supporting the endometrium.

Find out more about the different types of uterine cancer, as well as some of the risk factors and symptoms in the resources below:

Cancer of the uterus
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2023)
These web pages provides a simple overview of uterine cancer, including an explanation of cancer of the myometrium and endometrium. There is a link to download the free booklet ‘Understanding cancer of the uterus’ for more information. The booklet is listed below.

Understanding cancer of the uterus: a guide for people with cancer, their families and friends
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This booklet provides a clear explanation of how uterine cancer develops, is diagnosed and treated in Australia. Includes questions you might want to ask your treating team, and suggestions on finding further information.
   (64-page booklet. PDF or hard copy)

Endometrial cancer
Danielle Carpenter and Nicole Kinnane/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Specialist gynaecological nurse consultants Danielle Carpenter and Nicole Kinnane explain endometrial cancer, how it is diagnosed and treated as well as the common issues women can encounter after treatment.

Endometrial cancer: your guide to best cancer care
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2020)
This document describes the optimal care that should be provided at each step of the endometrial cancer pathway in Australia. It is the patient’s version of the Optimal Care Pathways for health professionals. Includes links for support and information on costs of treatment.
  (web. Also available as  printable PDF and to download in Plain English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Greek, Italian, Hindi and Tagalog.)

Endometrial cancer
Royal Women’s Hospital (AUS)
This web page explains endometrial cancer, its causes, diagnosis and treatments. Links to downloadable fact sheets and further information.

Uterine sarcoma
American Cancer Society (US)
This section of the website provides links to information on uterine sarcoma, a cancer that starts in the muscle and supporting tissues of the uterus. Topics include causes, diagnosis, treatment, after treatment. There is also a simplified easy-reading version of the information. As this is a US-based website treatments and support services discussed here may not be available to Australians.

Endometrial cancer
American Cancer Society (US)
This section of the website provides links to information on endometrial cancer, a cancer that starts in the lining of the uterus. Topics include causes, diagnosis, treatment, after treatment. There is also a simplified easy-reading version of the information. As this is a US-based website treatments and support services discussed here may not be available to Australians.

Womb cancer
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2021)
This section of the website links to information on womb cancer, often described as uterine or endometrial cancer. It outlines diagnosis and treatment. As this is a UK-based website treatments and support services discussed here may not be available to Australians.

Uterine cancer – patient version
NIH National Cancer Institute (US)
This section of the website explains uterine cancer and its treatment. Includes a short video explaining endometrial cancer. Please remember that as this is a US-based website, statistics are American, and treatments and support services discussed here may not be available to Australians.


Last Updated: 9 July, 2024 1:17 pm