
Impact on others

The thing about cancer. Episode 10: Cancer affects the carer too
Cancer Council New South Wales (AUS, 2017)
In this podcast, Julie McCrossin speaks to psychologist Ben Britton about the role of the carer, and how carers can look after themselves.

The thing about cancer. Episode 16: Family dynamics and cancer
Cancer Council New South Wales (AUS, 2018)
In this podcast, Julie McCrossin speaks with social worker Ray Araullo and psychologist Cath Adams about managing the impact of cancer as a family.

Talking to kids about cancer
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2023)
Advice on speaking to children of all ages, at different stages of your cancer diagnosis. Scroll down to download the booklet of the same name.

Talking to kids about cancer: A guide for people with cancer, their families and friends
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This excellent resource is a great place to start, when you’re considering the best way to talk to your children about your cancer diagnosis. This easy-to-read book provides an insight into effects on children from 0 to 18 when someone they know is diagnosed with cancer. Covers all stages of the cancer experience, and includes links to where to go for more information.
  (Book, 65 pages. Web page, PDF, and hard copy)

The thing about cancer. Episode 5: Explaining cancer to kids
Cancer Council New South Wales (AUS, 2017)
In this podcast, Julie McCrossin and CanTeen's John Friedsam discuss ways to talk with your children about your diagnosis.

Dealing with your parent’s cancer
CanTeen (AUS, 2010)
This book, available online or in hard copy, provides practical tips and reassurance for 12 to 25 year olds who have had a parent diagnosed with cancer. It provides help with understanding what is going on with their parents, as well as how they can cope with everyday life during this difficult time. Includes information on where to go for more help or information.
  (Book, 81 pages. PDF, ebook to view online, or hard copy)

Talking to children and teenagers
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2019)
This page provides practical advice on how, when and where you might tell your child or teenager about your cancer diagnosis. Links to further information. As this resource is UK-focused, treatment and support services are not available to Australians.

University of Sheffield (UK)
This British website provides support and information to teenagers who have a parent with cancer. Includes a useful stories section where teenagers can select a story of a person who has been experiencing similar emotions to them.

Communication and cancer: Talking to your treatment team and loved ones
Ovarian Cancer Australia (AUS, 2017)
Scroll down the page to find this webinar.
Clinical Psychologist Dr Katharine Hodgkinson shares techniques for open communication and discusses how best to communicate with your treating team. Includes strategies for recording treatments and appointments, and talking with your family members about cancer. Denise Firth shares her personal experiences of communicating with her team, and her family and friends.

Relationships: challenges for partners
Chris O’Brien Lifehouse (AUS, 2013)
Partners of women with a gynaecological cancer explain how they have managed changes to their relationship since the cancer diagnosis and treatment. Also includes comments from gynaecological cancer nurse and a social worker. YouTube sometimes suggests other videos on similar topics. Please be aware that those other videos have not been reviewed for the Navigator and may not be reputable.
 (YouTube video)

Counterpart Resource Centre: children's books
Counterpart (VIC)
Counterpart has a collection of picture books for children, to help parents explain cancer and cancer treatment. Please contact the Resource Centre for help finding resources for your child.
  (information resources)

Last Updated: 9 July, 2024 1:23 pm