
Getting practical help

HELP app
Handy online rostering tool for coordinating tasks and offers of help from family and friends, sharing news and finding information, for people in palliative care and their carers. Note that you will need to register to use the site.
 (web tool)

Mummy's Wish
Mummy's Wish is a registered charity that provides practical support to women diagnosed with cancer who have children aged 12 years and under.

Dealing with practical aspects of cancer
Cancer Australia (AUS)
This page provides links to practical information about getting treatment. Includes treatment planning, cost of treatment and questions to ask your treating team. It may be helpful to take a friend or family member to appointments with you.

Practical and financial assistance
Cancer Council (AUS)
Explanation of assistance available from the Cancer Council. Includes a video of volunteer driver, Frank, who drives patients to hospital for treatment in Sydney, He and his wife Barbara have each had an experience of cancer. Scroll right down to the map to find out what support is available in your area.
 (web page with video and map tool)

Last Updated: 4 February, 2025 10:56 am