Care plans
Nicole Kinnane/Counterpart (VIC, 2022)
Presenter Nicole Kinnane from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre explains the benefits of a Survivorship Care Plan and how you might go about getting one. She takes us step-by-step through the Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre's My Care Plan tool for 6 major types of cancer: early stage breast, early stage bowel, localised prostate, early stage melanoma, uterine (endometrial) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Online proformas are available for people with other cancers who’re interested in creating their own care plans.
Advance care planning
Advance Care Planning Australia/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Advance care planning helps to ensure that your loved ones and your doctors know your preferences for future health care. Doing this can provide peace of mind that your wishes will be respected if you become unwell and not able to communicate them. In this session Volunteer Community Ambassadors, Sue and Catherine, from Advance Care Planning Australia explain what advance care planning is, how it may benefit you and how to do it.
Advance Care Planning Australia
A national program funded by the Australian Government Department of Health that encourages people to consider their current and future health goals, values and beliefs. They provide advice and resources for individuals, carers and health professionals.
Legal support program
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS)
This page explains assistance and pro bono services available to people with cancer in Victoria. They include legal, financial planning, workplace and small business advice. Includes a list of other services that may be of assistance with these matters.
Financial, legal and workplace support
Denise Beovich/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Learn about what support is available from Cancer Council Victoria on issues including: preparing wills and power of attorney documents; early access to superannuation; insurance claims and disputes; credit and debt issues; managing workplace issues and handling disruption to your small business.
The law and cancer
McCabe Centre/Counterpart (AUS, 2018)
This presentation by Sondra Davoren, Deborah Lawson and Tarishi Desai from the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer, explains laws around informed consent, medicinal cannabis and alternative therapies, use of genetic information by insurers, advance care planning, travel insurance after cancer and workplace rights.Recorded at Counterpart Resource Centre.
Cancer and your finances
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2015)
This booklet provides advice on managing the financial pressures of a cancer diagnosis. Includes a glossary of financial terms, and information on where to get further information and support.
(52-page booklet – PDF and hard copy)
Travel insurance and cancer
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS)
This fact sheet explains your rights and responsibilities when applying for travel insurance. Links to a PDF fact sheet for printing.
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2017)
This menu page links to information on a range of issues relating to work and cancer, including the Cancer Council resources listed below, as well as information on decision-making, and working carers.
Cancer, work and you
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2023)
This page discusses work issues that might arise after your diagnosis: your right to privacy, who you might tell, getting support from your employer, and managing work after diagnosis.
Self employment and cancer
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2017)
This page provides specific information for people with cancer who are self-employed. Includes making decisions about working, managing the business while you’re having treatment, telling clients and employees about your diagnosis, and managing financial issues.
Cancer, work and you
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This booklet includes information on how cancer might affect your work, tips for working during treatment and what to consider when returning to work, information for working carers, and an overview of your rights.
(68-page booklet – PDF and hard copy)