
Managing symptoms and side effects

GPs and advanced/metastatic cancer – how can they help?
Dr Jane Crowe/Counterpart (AUS, 2022)
In this recorded webinar, a general practitioner (GP) explains the benefits of having a GP involved in your care if you are living with advanced/metastatic cancer.

Bone metastases
Ruwani Mendis/Counterpart (AUS,2022)
Dr Ruwani Mendis, a consultant palliative care physician and medical oncologist, discusses treatments available to help reduce pain and other symptoms of bone metastases.

Managing metastatic cancer pain
Brian Le/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Cancer pain can be caused by the disease itself, its treatments, or a combination of the two. Controlling your pain is part of cancer treatment. It is important to seek support from clinicians who are experts in pain control to find the best way to manage your pain. Presenter, Associate Professor Brian Le is a specialist in both medical oncology and palliative medicine.

Managing symptoms of metastatic cancer
Adrian Dabscheck/Counterpart (AUS, 2020)
Palliative Medicine Consultant Dr Adrian Dabscheck discusses common symptoms, importance of communication and relationships, palliative care services, and importance of family and friends in managing symptoms of metastatic cancer.

Medicinal cannabis
Shu Ng/Counterpart (AUS, 2024)
Dr Shu Ng, an Authorised Prescriber of medicinal cannabis in Melbourne, explains the different types of medicinal cannabis, modes of treatment, the kinds of conditions that might benefit, and how it can be accessed in Victoria.

Advanced cancer: Managing symptoms
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2021)
This page describes a number of symptoms that may be experienced, depending on where the cancer is in your body. It includes tips for self help, and explains how your treating team can help you manage the symptoms.

Cancer-related fatigue
Elizabeth Pearson; Counterpart (AUS, 2020)
Elizabeth Pearson, Occupational Therapist, PhD, discusses the management of cancer-related fatigue.

Overcoming cancer pain
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2015)
Very helpful explanation of types of pain, what can affect pain, and how it can be treated. Also outlines palliative care, and how it relates to pain management.  List of health professionals who might be involved in helping you manage your pain.

Lymphoedema: what you need to know
Cancer Australia (AUS, 2013)
This 18-page booklet provides a good overview of lymphoedema, including signs to watch for, explanation of treatment, tips for self management, and questions you might want to ask your doctor.
  (booklet – PDF or hard copy)

Find an ALA accredited practitioner
Australasian Lymphology Association (AUS)
Use this tool to find a health professional who can help you treat and manage lymphoedema, in a location near you. Explains the types of practitioners and allows you to search by location.
 (web page and search tool)

Helen Eason & Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Physiotherapist Helen Eason explains what lymphoedema is, early warning signs, how to minimise the risk, and how to manage it if it develops.

Lymphoedema handbook
Piller, N. et. Al. (AUS, 2006)
Although this book was published in 2006, it has been reviewed by a health professional with a good knowledge of lymphoedema, and most of the information is still relevant. This Australian book explains the lymphatic system, how and why lymphoedema occurs, and how it can be managed.

Lymphoedema: Survive and thrive: Leg
Australasian Lymphology Association (AUS, 2013)
This video empowers women with lymphoedema to understand their care needs and manage their condition themselves, as much as possible. Includes skin care, self massage, exercise and other patients’ experiences.
(YouTube video or DVD available from ALA, 40 mins)

Macmillan Cancer Support (UK)
This page includes links to information on lymphoedema, its treatment and management. Remember that as this is a UK-based website, treatments and support services are not available to Australians.

Understanding lymphoedema
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2015)
This booklet provides information on reducing your risk of lymphoedema, and treating and managing lymphoedema if it develops.
Remember that as this is a UK-based website, treatments and support services are not available to Australians.
  (106-page e-booklet available in PDF,  ePub and .mobi formats)

Top tips for self-management of lymphoedema
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, n.d.)
This booklet was developed as part of a project in Scotland in 2012, with input from people experiencing lymphoedema. It focuses on practical self-care and self-management.
  (35-page booklet in PDF format)

Living with gynaecological cancer part 2.3 – Physical aspects: Lymphoedema
Chris O’Brien Lifehouse (AUS, 2013)
Explanation of the risks for lymphoedema following gynaecological cancer. Includes comments from a young woman who has had cervical cancer discussing how she tries to minimise the risk, a gynaecological cancer nurse and social worker. YouTube sometimes suggests other videos on similar topics. Please be aware that these other videos have not been reviewed for the Navigator and may not be reputable.
 (YouTube video, 4mins 20 secs)

Reducing your risk of lymphedema of the legs
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (US, 2016)
Overview of lymphoedema: risk factors and how to avoid them, early signs to watch for, treatment and a video demonstrating some simple exercises. Remember that as this is a US-based website, the support service numbers provided are not available to Australians.
  (web page and video)

Medical acupuncture
Dr Becky Chapman; Counterpart (AUS, 2019)
Medical acupuncture may be useful for a broad range of conditions including pain relief and the side effects of chemotherapy. In this presentation, Dr Becky Chapman, Staff Specialist in Medical Oncology at Bendigo Health explains how it can be used, how it works and how it can be accessed. Hosted by Tammy Boatman.

Last Updated: 28 January, 2025 1:22 pm