
End of life

This section provides links to information for people facing the end of their lives. The resources will link you to practical, legal and emotional support to help you through this difficult time.

Facing end of life
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2023)
This is a short page providing links to information on topics related to end of life, including coping with the news, physical and practical concerns. At the top of the page are links to the booklet, ‘Facing end of life’ listed below.

Facing end of life
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
Similar information to the page above. The booklet notes that you should “check the introduction to each chapter to see if this is the information you want at this stage. Read what is useful now and leave the rest until you’re ready”.
  (84-page booklet in PDF or hard copy)

Community palliative care
Ian Millard/Counterpart (VIC, 2023)
Ian Millard from Melbourne City Mission explains palliative care and how it can be accessed in Victoria. He focuses on community palliative care, its benefits and the services available for people with life limiting illnesses and their families.

Palliative care – Jenni's story
Jenni/Counterpart (AUS, 2023)
Conversation with Jenni, a woman who used palliative care services in the months before her partner died.

Palliative care services directory
Palliative Care Victoria (VIC)
Search by postcode for various types of palliative care services that are available in Victoria.

Voluntary Assisted Dying overview
Victoria. Department of Health (VIC, 2023)
This page gives an overview of the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying Act (2017) and links to more information, including fact sheets for people wishing to understand more about accessing voluntary assisted dying:


The manual for living and dying in style
Warrnambool District Community Hospice; Eric Fairbank (AUS, 2018)
Written by a Victorian-based doctor, Eric Fairbank, this is a very practical and readable book, which provides advice on end of life preparations and support.
  (54-page book in PDF or hard copy)

Dying to talk
Palliative Care Australia (AUS)
Tools and advice for talking about end of life wishes.

Letting go: How to plan for a good death
Dr Charlie Corke (2018, AUS)
Australian intensive care specialist Dr Charlie Corke explains end-of-life decision making. He discusses types of interventions, quality of life and advance care planning. The resources section at the back of the book lists links to further helpful resources.
 (book, 228 pages)

Last Updated: 28 March, 2024 10:39 am