The following links provide information on ways you can look after your health and wellbeing following cancer treatment. You should always speak to your doctor before commencing an exercise program to be sure you choose exercises that are safe for your situation.
Life after treatment
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2021)
This page discusses the meaning of ‘cancer survivor’, expectations and adjusting to a ‘new normal’. At the top of the page are links to the booklet, ‘Living well after cancer’ listed below.
Living well after cancer
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2021)
This booklet focuses on life after cancer treatment, when many people find themselves unsure of how to move on with their lives. It provides advice on emotional, physical, practical, spiritual and social challenges faced at this time.
(92-page booklet – PDF and hard copy )
On the road to recovery
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2021)
This booklet covers information on a range of challenges faced by people following treatment for cancer, including staying healthy and dealing with fear of recurrence. It is available in 9 languages – Arabic, English, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Chinese (Simplified) , Chinese (Traditional), Tagalog (Filipino) and Vietnamese.
(booklet – PDF and hard copies available from Cancer Council)
Fear of recurrence
Ella Sexton/Counterpart (AUS, 2022)
Ella Sexton, a psychologist at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, discusses factors that can heighten these worries, strategies to reduce them and how to get support.
Fear of recurrence
Ovarian Cancer Australia (AUS, 2018)
Although this webinar is aimed at women with ovarian cancer, it is also relevant to women diagnosed with other types of cancer. This webinar features clinical psychologist Dr Maria Ftanou, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Oncology Education and Research Translation, and Ms Jan Antony, who was diagnosed with Stage III ovarian cancer.They discuss some common fears of people who have finished cancer treatment and provide advice on managing those fears. (Scroll down the Ovarian Cancer Australia webinar page to find this webinar.)
Shrink your worries!
Lynda Evans/Counterpart (AUS, 2020)
Social worker Lynda Evans provides practical strategies for managing worries.
All is calm
Lynda Evans/Counterpart (AUS, 2020)
Social worker Lynda Evans outlines strategies to look after ourselves and enjoy the festivities while remaining as calm and stress-free as possible.
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2023)
This page explains why exercise is important during and following cancer treatment. It explains the physical effects that might affect your ability to exercise and includes a list of questions you might ask your doctor before beginning a program. Buttons at the bottom of the page link to the booklet, ‘Exercise for people living with cancer’ listed below.
Exercise for people living with cancer
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
Clearly-written explanation of the importance of exercise during and after cancer treatment. Provides tips on exercise preparation, examples of exercises, and where to go for more information and support. Note that you should always speak to your doctor before commencing an exercise program to be sure you choose exercises that are safe for your situation.
(56-page booklet in PDF or hard copy)
Exercise basics
Natalie Craven/Counterpart (AUS, 2020)
Exercise physiologist Natalie Craven explains the benefits of exercising during and after a cancer diagnosis. Includes a short exercise routine. This session was recorded as part of an online Wellbeing Day run by Counterpart in conjunction with Northern Health.
Older, fitter, stronger
Libby Oldfield/Counterpart (AUS, 2019)
Physiotherapist Libby Oldfield outlines the steps we can take, beginning right now, to improve our health and fitness into the future. Recorded at Counterpart Resource Centre, Melbourne, on 25 February 2019.
Healthy eating after cancer
Bree Voegt/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
After a cancer diagnosis many women want to make sure they are eating well. However, it can be hard to sift through all the conflicting advice and fads to find good advice on this topic. Clinical Dietitian Bree Voegt outlines the guidelines for a healthy diet applicable to everyone.
Gut microbiome
Sandra Villella/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Naturopath Sandra Villella speaks about the gut microbiome, and the impact of this on our digestive and general health. She explains how to nourish and restore the gut microbiota.
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2022)
Brief web page with advice on healthy eating. Buttons at the top of the page link to the booklet, ‘Nutrition and cancer’ described below, as well as the Healthy Living After Cancer program.
Nutrition and cancer
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This booklet explains nutrition, and provides advice on managing side effects that affect eating, and nutrition concerns. Includes ideas for recipes and snacks, as well as where to go for more information and support.
(68-page booklet – PDF or hard copy)
Sleep and cancer
Oliver Holmes/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Many people with cancer have sleep problems. Dr Oliver Holmes from Peter MacCallum’s ‘Can-Sleep’ service explains what we can do to improve sleep.
Sexuality and intimacy after cancer
Wendy Vanselow/Counterpart (AUS, 2022)
This presentation explains the support available to manage side effects and emotions after changes in your sexual function following a cancer diagnosis.
Switchboard is a free service for LGBTQI identifying people with questions or concerns about LGBTQI issues. It offers telephone and web counselling, information and referral. Note that Switchboard does not offer services specifically for people who have had an experience of cancer. For other states of Australia, please contact QLife.
(support service)
Being OK…being you: a guide for young people who identify as LGBTIQ+ and have cancer
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (AUS, 2019)
The content is based on interviews with young people who have had a cancer diagnosis and identify as LGBTIQ+, or are still working out their sexuality and gender identity.
(PDF 58-page booklet)
Sexual health and wellbeing after cancer
Vicki Windholz/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Presenter, Dr Vicki Windholz, a psychosexual medicine specialist, looks at practical strategies to communicate well about sexuality, to build sexual confidence and enhance intimate relationships.
The thing about cancer. Episode 2: Sex and cancer
Cancer Council New South Wales (AUS, 2017)
In this podcast, Julie McCrossin and Professor Jane Usher talk about how cancer can affect sex and intimacy.
Sexuality and intimacy
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2022)
Page discussing how sexuality and intimacy can be affected by the physical and emotional effects of cancer and cancer treatment.
Love in the time of cancer: self-esteem, intimacy, sexuality after an ovarian cancer diagnosis
Ovarian Cancer Australia (AUS, 2018)
Although this webinar is aimed at women with ovarian cancer, it is also relevant to women diagnosed with other types of cancer. Dr Haryana Dhillon is joined by Nadia and Maureen who have each had a diagnosis of ovarian cancer in the past. They discuss challenges around relationships, body image and self esteem, and the impact these can have on quality of life following diagnosis. They emphasise that you are not alone, and help is available for you as an individual or as a couple. (Scroll down the Ovarian Cancer Australia webinar page to find this webinar.)