
Making decisions

Ovarian cancer: your guide to best cancer care
Cancer Council; Victorian Government (AUS, 2021)
This document describes the optimal care that should be provided at each step of the ovarian cancer pathway in Australia. It is the patient’s version of the Optimal Care Pathways for health professionals. Includes links for support and information on costs of treatment.
  (Web page, also available as  printable PDF and to download in Plain English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Greek, Italian, Hindi and Tagalog.)

What to expect – Cancer
Victorian Government; Cancer Council Victoria; Cancer Australia (AUS, 2018)
Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have cancer. This document describes the care that should be provided at each step of the cancer pathway in Australia. It is the patient’s version of the Optimal Care Pathways for health professionals. Includes links for support and information.
  (Web page, also available as PDF fact sheet)

The thing about cancer. Episode 6: Making treatment decisions
Cancer Council New South Wales (AUS, 2017)
In this podcast, Julie McCrossin and Professor Lyndal Trevena discuss the process of making treatment decisions.

Decision making in hospital
Better Health Channel (AUS, 2015)
This page provides an brief overview of the decisions you might need to make before you are admitted to hospital and while you are in there. Includes financial decisions, documenting your healthcare wishes, treatment and care decisions, and leaving hospital against medical advice. Links to further information.

Last Updated: 6 August, 2024 11:12 am