
Your feelings

Healthy boundaries
Kathy Jerin/Counterpart (VIC, 2022)
Presenter Kathy Jerin discusses setting healthy boundaries, while protecting our energy, dignity, privacy and identity.

Worrying about loved ones
Belinda Astl/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Concern for loved ones, especially for children, and the desire to protect them often weighs heavily on women living with metastatic cancer. There are no easy answers here – each person and family will deal with these issues in their own way.

The emotional load of living with metastatic cancer
Dani Bullen/Counterpart (AUS, 2020)
Clinical Psychologist Dr Dani Bullen, from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, presents a webinar discussing ways of dealing with the emotional challenges of living with advanced (or metastatic) cancer.

Highly trained Peer Support Volunteers with lived experiences of a cancer provide unique understanding and support, by phone or in person. Other Counterpart services include information and wellbeing session, in person or online. Counterpart supports women living with  cancer in Victoria.
 (peer support)

Support groups
Ovarian Cancer Australia (AUS)
This page lists Ovarian Cancer Australia's support group options, including online and face to face, and how to make contact. The have specific groups for younger women and male partners.

Support groups
Cancer Council Victoria (VIC)
This page explains what support groups are and how they can help you. Links at the top of the page will help you find local, phone and online support groups in Victoria.
 (support groups)

If cancer comes back
CanTeen (AUS)
Aimed at young people, but relevant to all ages, this page explains the different types of cancer recurrence: local, regional and distant, with videos for each one, and how you might be feeling about it. Note that services mentioned on this site are only available to Australians aged from 15 to 25 years.
  (web page with short YouTube videos)

Resilience kit: for women living with ovarian cancer
Ovarian Cancer Australia (AUS)
This online resource is full of information for Australian women with ovarian cancer, including explanations of diagnosis, what to expect from treatment and where to get support.

Advanced cancer
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2021)
Explanation of advanced cancer and how it develops. Includes practical information on the next steps, what treatments might be available, living with advanced cancer. At the bottom of the page, Agnes shares her personal story of living with advanced cancer. Buttons at the top of the page link to the booklet, ‘Living with advanced cancer’ listed below.

Living with advanced cancer
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2024)
This booklet provides more detailed information on what happens after a diagnosis of advanced cancer, the emotional impacts, treatments available, making plans and supporting carers.
  (76-page booklet in PDF or hard copy)

The role of hope and purpose in advanced cancer
Cancer Council NSW (AUS, 2019)
In this episode of Julie McCrossin's podcast 'The thing about advanced cancer', she speaks with palliative medicine specialist Dr Megan Best to discuss how to make sense of an advanced diagnosis and the role of hope.
(podcast, 29 mins)

Managing emotional changes due to cancer
Cancer Australia (AUS)
Web page linking to information on the emotional effects of a whole range of issues relating to cancer and cancer treatment. Includes talking about your cancer, dealing with hair loss, sexuality and intimacy, same-sex relationships, impact on children, and lots more.

Cancer: how are you travelling?
Cancer Australia (AUS, 2013)
Booklet discussing the emotional, physical and practical challenges faced by people diagnosed with cancer, and tips for getting help.
  (42-page booklet, PDF, DOCX or hard copy)

Finding support
Cancer Australia (AUS)
Web page linking to information on the importance of support during your cancer experience, and how to find it.

Living with cancer
Cancer Australia (AUS)
Web page linking to information to help manage the practical and emotional issues relating to cancer, tips on dealing with them, and where to find help.

Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2022)
Suggestions for coping with the emotional impact of cancer, including telling other people and getting support for yourself. Link to the booklet 'Emotions and cancer' at the bottom of the page.

Emotions and cancer
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2021)
Booklet providing information on the emotional impact of cancer. Includes physical effects of emotions, tools for coping, information on helping your friends and family, and how to get support.
  (52- page booklet, PDF or hard copy)

Shrink your worries!
Lynda Evans/Counterpart (AUS, 2020)
Social worker Lynda Evans provides practical strategies for managing worries.

Mindfulness: responding rather than reacting to life's challenges
Suzanne Peyton/Counterpart (AUS, 2019)
Learn how mindfulness practice helps reduce the experience of stress.

Relaxation and Mindful meditation for people with cancer
Cancer Council NSW (AUS, 2011)
Two popular audio recordings to listen to online.  Australian psychologist Dr Lisbeth Lane guides you through the basics of relaxation and mindfulness. Also available in CD format from Cancer Council Victoria.
(audio online)

Sleep and cancer
Oliver Holmes/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Many people with cancer have sleep problems. Dr Oliver Holmes from Peter MacCallum’s ‘Can-Sleep’ service explains what we can do to improve sleep.

Last Updated: 28 January, 2025 2:15 pm