
Finishing treatment

Resilience kit: for women living with ovarian cancer
Ovarian Cancer Australia (AUS)
This online resource is full of information for Australian women with ovarian cancer, including explanations of diagnosis, what to expect from treatment and where to get support.

Ovarian cancer: your guide to best cancer care
Cancer Council (AUS, 2021)
This document describes the optimal care that should be provided at each step of the ovarian cancer pathway in Australia, including after treatment. It is the patient’s version of the Optimal Care Pathways for health professionals. Includes links for support and information on costs of treatment.
  (web page, also available as  printable PDF and to download in English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Greek, Italian, Hindi and Filipino.)

Life after cancer
Cancer Australia (AUS)
Web page linking to information on what to expect after cancer treatment is finished. Includes follow-up, emotions, health living, relationships and other practical issues.

Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre (ACSC)
The ACSC supports the health and wellbeing of cancer survivors and their carers. It is based at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne.

Life after treatment resources
Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre (ACSC)
A large collection of excellent resources specifically for people facing the challenges associated with end of treatment, including late effects of treatment and fear of recurrence. Includes survivorship care plan templates, videos, fact sheets and lots of survivor stories.
    (web, video, fact sheets)

On the road to recovery
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2021)
This booklet covers information on a range of challenges faced by people following treatment for cancer, including common feelings after finishing cancer treatment. It is available in 9 languages – Arabic, English, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Tagalog (Filipino) and Vietnamese.
  (booklet – PDF and hard copies available from Cancer Council)

Just take it day to day
Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre (ACSC)
Cancer survivors discuss their feelings following the end of treatment, and how they managed them. YouTube sometimes suggests other videos on similar topics. Please be aware that these other videos have not been reviewed for the Navigator and may not be reputable.
 (YouTube – series of 10 videos)

A common path: Life after cancer
North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (NEMICS) (AUS, 2017)
Cancer survivors provide support and advice to others about strategies they used to return to living well after cancer. YouTube sometimes suggests other videos on similar topics. Please be aware that these other videos have not been reviewed for the Navigator and may not be reputable.
 (YouTube video – 20 mins)

Highly trained Peer Support Volunteers with lived experiences of cancer provide unique understanding and support, by phone or in person. Other Counterpart services include information and wellbeing events, held face to face or online. Counterpart supports women living with cancer in Victoria.
 (peer support)

Support groups
Cancer Council Victoria (VIC)
This page explains what support groups are and how they can help you. Links at the top of the page will help you find local, phone and online support groups in Victoria.
 (support groups)

Last Updated: 6 August, 2024 2:16 pm