
Practical help

These resources provide information on day-to-day support, work, transport, accommodation, financial and legal issues.

Gather my crew
Online rostering tool for coordinating tasks and offers of help. You will need to register to use the site.

Mummy's Wish
Mummy's Wish is a registered charity that provides practical support to women diagnosed with cancer who have children aged 12 years and under.

Care plans
Nicole Kinnane/Counterpart (VIC, 2022)
Presenter Nicole Kinnane from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre explains the benefits of a Survivorship Care Plan and how you might go about getting one. She takes us step-by-step through the Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre's My Care Plan tool for 6 major types of cancer: early stage breast, early stage bowel, localised prostate, early stage melanoma, uterine (endometrial) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Online proformas are available for people with other cancers who’re interested in creating their own care plans.

Dealing with practical aspects of cancer
Cancer Australia (AUS)
This page provides links to practical information about getting treatment. Includes treatment planning, cost of treatment and questions to ask your treating team.

Workplace support
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS)
This menu page links to information for individuals with cancer and their employers supporting them.

Self employment and cancer
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS)
This page provides specific information for people with cancer who are self-employed. Includes making decisions about working, managing the business while you’re having treatment, telling clients and employees about your diagnosis, and managing financial issues.

Cancer, work & you
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This booklet includes information on how cancer might affect your work,  tips for working during treatment and what to consider when returning to work, information for working carers, and an overview of your rights.
  (68-page booklet – PDF and hard copy)

Travellers Aid
Travellers Aid provides assistance to people travelling to Melbourne's Southern Cross or Flinders Street Stations, or to Seymour Station, in Victoria. Services include a Companion Service for travelling to appointments, luggage storage and mobility equipment hire. Bookings are necessary.
 (support service)

Travelling to treatment
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS)
Information on transport options, assistance and car parking in Victoria.

Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)
Better Health Channel (AUS)
A simple explanation of how VPTAS can help Victorians living in rural and regional areas with the cost of travelling long distances for specialist medical treatment. Read this before reading the more detailed page from the Department of Health, below.

Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)
Victoria. Department of Health (AUS, 2024)
A thorough explanation of VPTAS, with links for more details and to make contact. You may find it helpful to read one of the brief explanations of the Scheme on the sites above if you’re not already familiar with it.

Practical and financial assistance
Cancer Australia (AUS)
Explanation of assistance available from the Cancer Council. Includes a video of volunteer driver, Frank, who drives patients to hospital for treatment in Sydney, He and his wife Barbara have each had an experience of cancer. Scroll down to the map to find out what support is available in your area.
   (web page with video and map tool)

Legal Support Program
Cancer Council Victoria (VIC, 2023)
Explanation of this program which provides legal support to Victorians with advanced cancer. Wills, Powers of attorney, medical treatment decision makers. Eligibility criteria and how to access the services.

Cancer and your finances
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2021)
This booklet provides advice on managing the financial pressures of a cancer diagnosis. Includes a glossary of financial terms, and information on where to get further information and support.
  (48-page booklet – PDF)

Hospital stay – financial support and family accommodation
Better Health Channel (AUS, 2015)
Practical advice for family members of people receiving treatment for cancer.  Includes financial help, accommodation for families, VPTAS travel assistance scheme, respite care, palliative care, and where to get more help.

The law and cancer
McCabe Centre/Counterpart (AUS, 2018)
This presentation by Sondra Davoren, Deborah Lawson and Tarishi Desai from the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer, explains laws around informed consent, medicinal cannabis and alternative therapies, use of genetic information by insurers, advance care planning, travel insurance after cancer and workplace rights.Recorded at Counterpart Resource Centre.

Last Updated: 9 July, 2024 11:30 am