

If you have planned to have children in the future, it's important that you speak to your treating team as early as possible. As this field is developing very rapidly, there may have been further developments since the publication of some of  these resources. Be sure to discuss options for your specific situation with your team.

Fertility, menopause and sexual issues: 3.1 Fertility
Chris O’Brien Lifehouse (AUS, 2013)
Claire tells her story of having eggs frozen before treatment for cervical cancer, and the emotional effects of infertility. Comments from a gynaecological cancer nurse and social worker.
 (YouTube video, 7 mins)

Fertility preservation
Genia Rozen; Counterpart (AUS, 2019)
Learn about the important issues in considering fertility preservation before cancer treatment, methods available and factors that impact on the available choices. Hosted by Fiona McRae and presented by Genia Rozen, Consultant Gynaecologist specialising in fertility, reproductive endocrinology and fertility preservation. This webinar was recorded in at Women's Health Victoria on 17 June 2019.

Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2022)
Overview of fertility and reproduction. Buttons at the top of the page link to the booklet, ‘Fertility and cancer’ listed below.

Fertility and cancer
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2022)
This booklet answers common questions about fertility after cancer treatment, and includes a section specific to women’s fertility, as well as information on where to go for more information and support.
  (80-page booklet in PDF or hard copy)

Cancer treatment and fertility
Royal Women's Hospital (AUS)
Explains how cancer treatment may affect fertility and what can be done to preserve fertility.
(web pages)

Female fertility preservation
Melbourne IVF (AUS)
Links to information on fertility preservation and treatment options. This should not be seen as an endorsement of Melbourne IVF. Please speak with your own treating team for medical information and referral to appropriate services.
(web pages)

Maybe later baby? A guide to relationships, sex and fertility for young people after cancer
CanTeen (AUS, 2015)
This booklet is written for young adults, but may be suitable for anyone of childbearing age who is diagnosed with cancer. It introduces the topic of fertility and infertility after a cancer diagnosis. Includes a section specifically for women, recommended reading list, and meanings of medical jargon you might hear.
  (42-page booklet available in PDF, issuu and hard copy)

VARTA (Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority)A statutory authority funded by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services that provides independent information and support for people with fertility issues. Although not specific to cancer, this website has useful information about fertility preservation, including who is eligible for treatment in Victoria.

Last Updated: 9 July, 2024 11:20 am