
Your feelings

Highly trained Peer Support Volunteers with lived experiences of a gynaecological or breast cancer provide unique understanding and support, by phone or in person. Other Counterpart services include group sessions, exercise programs and a resource library. Counterpart supports women living with breast or a gynaecological cancer in Victoria.
 (peer support)

Healthy boundaries
Kathy Jerin/Counterpart (VIC, 2022)
Presenter Kathy Jerin discusses setting healthy boundaries, while protecting our energy, dignity, privacy and identity.

Support groups
Cancer Council Victoria (VIC)
This page explains what support groups are and how they can help you. Links at the top of the page will help you find local, phone and online support groups in Victoria.
 (support groups)

Call someone
Cancer Survivor Guide (AUS, 2018)
Episode 1 of this podcast explains the role of the cancer nurses working on the Cancer Council telephone service, who can provide a reliable source of information if questions arise.

Coping with a cancer diagnosis
Cancer Council (AUS)
Fact sheet with advice for people recently diagnosed with cancer. Includes tips for telling others, talking with your family and friends, and looking after yourself.

The thing about cancer. Episode 1: Coping with a cancer diagnosis
Cancer Council New South Wales (AUS, 2017)
In this podcast, Julie McCrossin and psychologist Cath Adams discuss ways of coping following a diagnosis of cancer.

Being OK…being you: a guide for young people who identify as LGBTIQ+ and have cancer
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (AUS, 2019)
The content is based on interviews with young people who have had a cancer diagnosis and identify as LGBTIQ+, or are still working out their sexuality and gender identity. Includes terminology and hints on advocating for yourself.
  (PDF 58-page booklet)

The thing about cancer. Episode 11: Managing fear
Cancer Council New South Wales (AUS, 2018)
In this podcast, Julie McCrossin and psychologist Cath Adams discuss ways of managing fear and anxiety after your diagnosis.

Managing emotional changes due to cancer
Cancer Australia (AUS)
Web page linking to information on the emotional effects of a whole range of issues relating to cancer and cancer treatment. Includes talking about your cancer, dealing with hair loss, sexuality and intimacy, same-sex relationships, impact on children, and lots more.

Cancer: how are you travelling?
Cancer Australia (AUS, 2013)
Booklet discussing the emotional, physical and practical challenges faced by people diagnosed with cancer, and tips for getting help. Note that this booklet was published in 2013, but still provides a lot of helpful information.
    (42-page booklet, PDF, DOCX or hard copy)

Finding support
Cancer Australia (AUS)
Web page linking to information on the importance of support during your cancer experience, and how to find it.

Living with cancer
Cancer Australia (AUS)
Web page linking to information to help manage the practical and emotional issues relating to cancer, tips on dealing with them, and where to find help.

Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2022)
This page provides strategies for dealing with your feelings during different stages of your cancer experience.

Emotions and cancer
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2021)
Booklet providing information on the emotional impact of cancer. Includes physical effects of emotions, tools for coping, information on helping your friends and family, and how to get support. Question checklist
   (52- page booklet, PDF or hard copy)

Shrink your worries!
Lynda Evans/Counterpart (AUS, 2020)
Social worker Lynda Evans provides practical strategies for managing worries.

Mindfulness: responding rather than reacting to life's challenges
Suzanne Peyton/Counterpart (AUS, 2019)
Learn how mindfulness practice helps reduce the experience of stress.

Relaxation and Mindful meditation for people with cancer
Cancer Council NSW (AUS, 2015)
Two popular audio recordings to listen to online.  Australian psychologist Dr Lisbeth Lane guides you through the basics of relaxation and mindfulness. Also available in CD format from Cancer Council Victoria.
(audio online)

Sleep and cancer
Oliver Holmes/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Many people with cancer have sleep problems. Dr Oliver Holmes from Peter MacCallum’s ‘Can-Sleep’ service explains what we can do to improve sleep.

Last Updated: 2 April, 2024 2:53 pm