
Breast Forms

woman holding a breast form

You may choose not to, or be unable to, have breast reconstruction. Wearing a breast form (prosthesis) may be an effective long-term choice for you. Wearing a breast form may also be a temporary choice prior to reconstruction at a later date.

"For some women the decision to have a reconstruction can take a number of years. Of the women who provided feedback saying they had finished treatment more than two years ago, only a very small percentage had had a reconstruction. So these women are still thinking, researching, gathering information, looking at options and deciding what course of action they want to follow" (from evaluation of the BreaCan Gippsland Forum)

If you do choose to wear a breast form following mastectomy for breast cancer, the Federal Government provides a reimbursement program for new or replacement external breast prostheses. You will find information about this program in the online resources section of this Navigator.

Last Updated: 9 July, 2024 10:34 am

When considering the decision to wear a prosthesis, you may wish to take into account the following questions. We have not provided answers, as everyone's situation is different. Your treating team is best placed to answer these questions for you.

You might want the answers to some of the questions straight away, while some may become important later on. Some questions might not matter to you at all. You can either ask these questions directly, or use them as a guide to put together your own questions. Many of these questions can be directed toward your breast surgeon, but you may like to ask your Breast Care Nurse, GP or other member of your health care team. There are also questions for your fitter.

  • Can I wear a breast prosthesis? Where can I buy them?
  • How much will my breast prosthesis cost?
  • Will insurance pay for a breast prosthesis?
  • What kind of prosthesis would suit me best?
  • When can I start wearing a breast prosthesis?
  • What if I find the prosthesis too heavy or I have other problems?
  • How long might it take to get used to the prosthesis?
  • How long will my breast prosthesis last?
  • Can I wear my breast prosthesis when I’m swimming?
  • How long will the fitting take?
  • Can I bring a support person to the fitting?
  • Do I need to buy mastectomy bras or can I use regular ones?
  • How do I care for the prosthesis?
  • What can I do if the prosthesis I bought is not suitable?
  • What is the warranty period for the prosthesis?

These listings provide links to the websites of organisations with a particular focus on wearing breast forms. The link will direct you to the home page where you can search their site independently. Please note: We have listed just a few suppliers of breast forms below. This does not imply promotion or endorsement of their products. Please speak with your own treating team for medical information and referral to appropriate services.

Amoena Australia

Amoena is a brand of breast forms available in Australia. They also have a range of lingerie, swimwear and clothing. Check their range and availability on their website.


Anita is a lingerie and swimwear company that features a range of breast prostheses, mastectomy bras and swimwear. See this website for their range and scroll down to find Australian distributors.

Perfect Again

Perfect Again is an Australian manufacturer of bespoke breast forms, created by Julie Brand who has had a mastectomy herself. They also have a range of mastectomy bras. Visit their website for more information.


Trulife create a range of prosthetics, including breast forms. They also sell a range of bras. See their website for products and distributors.

These listings provide links to key evidence-based information directly related to breast forms. The listings can include downloadable fact sheets, pamphlets, or PDFs and web pages.

Australian Federal Government - 'External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program' 2023 (AUS)

A webpage outlining the National External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program funded by the Australian Federal Government for new or replacement external breast prostheses for women who have had a mastectomy due to breast cancer.

Counterpart - 'Bras and breast forms' 2021 (AUS)

In this recorded Counterpart webinar, specialist breast care/surgical garment fitter Genevieve Gort provides advice on breast forms, partial shapers, pocketed bras, lingerie and swimwear.

Cancer Council Victoria - 'Breast Prostheses' 2024 (AUS)

This page explains the practicalities of selecting and wearing a breast prosthesis. Links to the Cancer Council booklet 'Breast prostheses and reconstruction'

Cancer Council Australia - 'Breast prostheses and reconstruction' 2020 (AUS)

Information to help when making a decision between a prosthesis and reconstruction. It covers the types of breast prostheses that are available, how to purchase them, costs, decision-making and follow-up care. Click the links at the bottom of the page for this information in hard copy or as a PDF.

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) - My Journey online tool 2018 (AUS)

Formerly the My Journey Kit, this tool is now online. Sign up to access information that can be tailored to your own situation. Find information on breast prostheses and breast forms in the Treatment section.

Cancer Australia - External Breast Prosthesis 2021 (AUS)

A web page of Cancer Australia describing breast prostheses for women who have had a mastectomy due to breast cancer. Includes a discussion of pros and cons, as well as details of the Federal Government's External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program.

Breast Cancer Network Australia - Breast Prostheses 2023 (AUS)

A page on BCNA’s website with information about breast prostheses including the type of prostheses available, where to get them and costs involved. It also includes a section on issues related to wearing a prosthesis during airport travel and links to further information.

Breast Cancer Care - 'Breast Prostheses, Bras and Clothes After Surgery' booklet 2017 (UK)

A booklet you can download from the Breast Cancer Now site. It has comprehensive information on types of prostheses and how to fit a bra properly. The information related to costs and local support is only relevant to people living in the UK, however the practical and fitting information is universal. It also has a good section on clothes for after surgery. Before printing, please be aware that it is a long document.

This is a list of hard copy resources such as books and DVDs that are not readily available online.

My Care Kit (AUS)

The My Care Kit produced by Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is free of charge for women who have recently had breast surgery. It can only be ordered on your behalf by your health professional (breast care nurse or doctor). It contains a specially designed Berlei bra and soft form/s designed to cover the post surgery period of up to 12 weeks and can be worn during radiation treatment.

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA)

View Details Online

Breast cancer: taking control (AUS)

Written in plain English by Australian oncologist Professor John Boyages, this guide walks you through the stress and confusion of diagnosis, treatment and life after breast cancer. Includes a section on prostheses. Available to view at Counterpart Resource Centre. Not for loan.

Boyages J, Boycare Publishing, 2010

Counterpart - Sample breast forms (AUS)

Counterpart Resource Centre has a small range of sample breast forms of various brands for you to feel and compare for yourself. You can also talk to a peer support volunteer who has had her own cancer experience, about breast forms or your breast cancer experience generally.

View Details Online

These listings direct you to websites containing personal stories both written and in video format from women who have chosen to wear a breast form following mastectomy. The sites also include blogs and online forums. The information contained in these links reflects the personal experiences of individuals and does not necessarily constitute evidence-based research or information.

Women talk about wearing a breast form

Two Counterpart peer support volunteers talk about their decision-making process and their practical experience with wearing breast forms. This Counterpart information session was recorded in Melbourne in April 2021.


You can also talk to a peer support volunteer who has had her own cancer experience, about breast forms or your breast cancer experience, generally.

Breast Cancer Network Australia - Online Network (AUS)

An online network is available through BCNA, Australia’s peak national consumer organisation for those affected by breast cancer. It includes discussions by individuals and groups of people in similar situations, such as those deciding on breast prostheses. This link will take you to the page where you can join the online network.

Health Talk - Breast Cancer in Women: Prostheses

Two short videos of women discussing their experiences of prostheses (breast forms).

Know a personal story we could share? Give feedback below.
