
After Mastectomy

A woman holding her breasts

This Navigator topic is your stepping stone to finding quality, current information from a range of reputable sources, on the options that may be available to you after a mastectomy. It is aimed at women diagnosed with early breast cancer who have had, or are planning to have a mastectomy.

There is a range of choices you may make before and after a mastectomy, and this will vary depending on your particular circumstances. It is important that you have access to quality information to help you make informed decisions. To help you find the information you need, this Navigator topic is divided into sub-topics. Read more about reconstruction, prostheses and being 'breast free' in the topics listed below.

WARNING: Because of the nature of the topic of this Navigator, these links may contain material which is anatomically explicit, and include photographs of surgical procedures, and patient’s surgical scars after mastectomy.  It may contain material that is upsetting or offensive to you. Please consider this before viewing the links. 

Last Updated: 14 November, 2023 11:19 am