Last Updated: 17 June, 2013 12:34 am
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SubscribeCharlotte Strong
Manager, Brand and Marketing
Women's Health Victoria
[email protected]
0405 393 161
Being able to refer patients to a Counterpart Peer Support Volunteer has made all the difference in patients feeling they have someone who understands and can be there with them on their journey.Rosalind Deacon, Physiotherapist and Lymphodema Practitioner
The Peer Support Volunteers understood my fears, the stress of navigating a cancer diagnosis and they are brilliant at answering questions and empathising.Ashleen
I would never say I’ve walked in another’s shoes, but having walked a similar path means I can offer support that others aren’t always able to.Greta, Peer Support Volunteer
Peer support is the one thing we can’t provide as health professionals, and it can make such a difference to a woman’s whole outlook as she goes through treatment. It’s something I offer to every woman in my care.Monique Baldacchino, Breast Care Nurse, The Women’s